Physical classification
Matter can be classified into three physical states depending upon the conditions of temperature and pressure.
1. Solid state
2. Liquid state
3. Gaseous state
Solid is that substance which at ordinary temperature and pressure has definite shape and volume. Molecules in solid state are constituted very closely packed and there is very little space between one and other in them. The molecules in the solids are tightly held by strong forces of attraction.
Therefore, solid has a definite shape and volume.
Liquid is that substance which at ordinary temperature has definite volume but does not have definite shape. In liquid state, the molecules are closely packed but not tightly held like in solid. Molecules can slide one over the other easily in liquid state. Therefore, liquid contains definite volume but not the definite shape.
Gas is that substance which has neither definite shape nor volume. In gaseous state molecules are vary far apart and free to move in all possible directions. In gaseous state the intermolecular forces of attraction is very weak. Hence gas has neither definite shape nor volume.
Chemical classification
From chemical point of view matter is either a pure substance or a mixture. A pure substance will contain only one kind of matter and can not be split physically into more than one kind of substances. A mixture on the other hand contains more than one kind of matter and can be separated into two or more pure substances by ordinary separation techniques. If a particular substance is pure then it may be an element or a compound.
An element is a pure substance which can neither be split into simpler substances nor it can be prepared by combining two or more substances. An element will contain only one kind of atoms. Only ninety elements occur in nature. By the combination of these elements all the matter in this universe are formed.
A compound is a pure substance which is produced by combination of two or more elements in definite proportions by weight. A compound can be split into two or more elements by chemical processes. Most of the substances around us are compounds. A compound will contain more than one kind of atoms.
In nature matter seldom occurs as pure substances, rather they occur as mixtures. A mixture will contain more than one kind of matter which can be separated into pure substances by physical processess.
Matter can be classified into three physical states depending upon the conditions of temperature and pressure.
1. Solid state
2. Liquid state
3. Gaseous state
Solid is that substance which at ordinary temperature and pressure has definite shape and volume. Molecules in solid state are constituted very closely packed and there is very little space between one and other in them. The molecules in the solids are tightly held by strong forces of attraction.
Therefore, solid has a definite shape and volume.
Liquid is that substance which at ordinary temperature has definite volume but does not have definite shape. In liquid state, the molecules are closely packed but not tightly held like in solid. Molecules can slide one over the other easily in liquid state. Therefore, liquid contains definite volume but not the definite shape.
Gas is that substance which has neither definite shape nor volume. In gaseous state molecules are vary far apart and free to move in all possible directions. In gaseous state the intermolecular forces of attraction is very weak. Hence gas has neither definite shape nor volume.
Chemical classification
From chemical point of view matter is either a pure substance or a mixture. A pure substance will contain only one kind of matter and can not be split physically into more than one kind of substances. A mixture on the other hand contains more than one kind of matter and can be separated into two or more pure substances by ordinary separation techniques. If a particular substance is pure then it may be an element or a compound.
An element is a pure substance which can neither be split into simpler substances nor it can be prepared by combining two or more substances. An element will contain only one kind of atoms. Only ninety elements occur in nature. By the combination of these elements all the matter in this universe are formed.
A compound is a pure substance which is produced by combination of two or more elements in definite proportions by weight. A compound can be split into two or more elements by chemical processes. Most of the substances around us are compounds. A compound will contain more than one kind of atoms.
In nature matter seldom occurs as pure substances, rather they occur as mixtures. A mixture will contain more than one kind of matter which can be separated into pure substances by physical processess.
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